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Prophet Elisha Fiaviverified
About you - ProphetElisha
Last login - 3 days ago
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Age - 101
Joined 27 months ago
I am not a politician, nor do I belong to any political party. I am a Prophet, and by the grace of God, I have seen His plan. God has chosen John Mahama for this season. May His will be done.
Grace has located me to see this plan unfold.

Elisha Fiavi Sosu
    2. Stayplain Website Design Agency
Être chrétien c'est savoir encaisser. S'armer de la foi comme manteau. De la calomnie comme semence de notre jardin de gloire. C'est construire les passerelles de nos succès avec les trahisons et coups bas.
Dear spiritual sister learn how to cook
Brother David wil not eat fire fire fire fire fire and cabash….🔥
Prophet Elisha Fiavi Sosu, is a Ghanaian spiritual leader, pastor, and founder of the Glorious Light Gospel Ministry International. He is known for his role in leading and nurturing the spiritual lives of his congregation, engaging in prayer programs, Bible studies, and providing guidance in faith. Additionally, he is involved in agriculture and gardening, offering advice to farmers. His work is focused on the propagation of the gospel, spiritual guidance, and community development.
He is recognized for his impactful programs, such as the 40 Days in the War Room and November Open Heaven initiatives. He provides strong guidance to youth, offering prophetic direction, especially in areas like marriage, helping them navigate life's challenges with wisdom and faith.
Any foundation power that has been stranding my help not to locate me catch fire 🔥🔥 in Jesus Name Amen
2 months ago
🌟 Open Heaven 2024 begins today! Join us at 9 PM as we unlock the gates of divine blessings and breakthroughs. Don’t miss out on this powerful encounter. 🙏✨ #OpenHeaven2024 #DivineEncounter
2 months ago
Satan, you are always coming too late. Haba!!! Please try and look for another trick to use and let us see where it ends. I am sure you have no clue who you are dealing with. See yourself, as you are carrying out your onslaught, God keeps blessing me. Oh, perhaps you do not know that the person you are dealing with died with and in Christ over 2000 years ago (Colossians 3:1-3) and Christ is now my life and that the life which i now live, i live by the faithfulness of the One who loved me and gave Himself for me, Or may be you have not read Romans 8:33-35 or Psalm 139:16, TPT. Try read those passages and see how ignorant you are. God punish the Devil and his in-laws.
4 months ago
You Are Favored By God. No matter how many of them will try to pull you down - you are NOT coming down. Let those mocking you, gossiping about you, conspiring against you, lying about you carry on. Whatever is born of God overcomes the world! You WIN, they LOSE.
4 months ago
Stayplain, où l'amour se tisse

Sur Stayplain, une plateforme d’amour,
Les cœurs se rencontrent, se lient chaque jour.
Une toile sociale, où l’on partage la vie,
Et où l’amour s’épanouit, sans bruit.

Le CEO et sa vice-présidente, unis par le destin,
Se marient en septembre, sous un ciel serein.
Une bonne nouvelle, une promesse d’avenir,
Deux âmes qui s’unissent pour ne jamais se départir.

Stayplain, un havre où l’amour est roi,
Où chaque connexion renforce la foi.
En ce mois de septembre, l’amour triomphe,
Et leur union éclaire l'horizon d'une douce confiance.
4 months ago
In the Season of Love and Light

In September's golden embrace,
Where autumn leaves softly grace,
Two hearts, once paths entwined,
Now in love, forever aligned.

From boardrooms to tender vows,
Where dreams are shared, and fate allows,
You’ve built an empire, hand in hand,
Together, you now take a stand.

Stayplain shines brighter with your love,
Guided by stars in the heavens above.
A partnership strong, in work and life,
Now sealed in unity as husband and wife.

May your journey be ever bright,
Filled with joy, both day and night.
In business, in love, in every plan,
Congrats to you, a blessed union began.
4 months ago
Daddy is not rich😢
Mummy is not rich 😢
But You will be the one to change the story 😊Amen
5 months ago
Why are you still single, dear friend?
With faith, God’s blessings never end.
You can marry with the little you have,
For love and faith are a powerful salve.

Do not wait too long, take heart,
God will provide and play His part.
May His strength fill your every day,
And answer your prayers in His own way.
5 months ago
As you set out today , Host of heaven will set out with you.
All your good missions shall be accomplished to the glory of God and it shall be well with you.
The Lord will visit your home with good tidings and put new songs into your mouth.
Holy spirit will deliver unto you miracle that looks impossible and favour that brings confusion to the enemies.
God will give you acceleration that cannot be stopped , mercy and favour that is beyond your explanation , joy that causes sorrows to the wicked and celebration that brings sadness to the camp of your enemies. Flood of blessings that no one can stop or divert shall flow in all areas of your life , through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Good morning.
Be lifted.
God bless you always🙏🙏❤
5 months ago
I am back
Glory to the Lord Almighty God

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