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Wolfgang Patric (@wolfang14)
16 days ago

Adhere to the needs of the questions?

Make sure you cite the source of the information while ensuring that your presence can be dicerned.

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Take a heed on that.

@bojada Ocean trench is formed as a result of subduction.
16 days ago
@mjeda not exhaustive list.
Make sure the words are clearly written. Adorns not a dorm
16 days ago
@fute your references aren't really.
16 days ago
16 days ago
@wolfang14 Subduction is the primary results of forming ocean Trench
16 days ago
@wolfang14 Ocean topography refers to the study of underwater features and structures of the Ocean floor, including various shapes, depth and formations found beneath the surface of the Ocean. It incudes features like continental shelves, mid_ocean ridges, Ocean basins etc..
16 days ago
@wolfang14 Subduction is result that facilitate the formation of ocean trench Example of ocean trench formed by subduction are Mariana Trench and Java Trench
16 days ago
@bojada subduction isn't a result rather, the force or the reason for the formation of the oceanic Trench.
15 days ago
@msafiri ocean topography is not a study.
15 days ago
@bojada reason not result.
Result is the effect not the reason.
15 days ago
What is ocean topography outline the major feature that adorns the ocean topograph this is my view my fellow teachers
14 days ago
@saimon what is this?
Did you find it hard to type?
3 days ago
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<span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Topography</span>

Ocean topography refers to the detailed mapping and description of the physical features of the ocean floor and the surface of the ocean. It encompasses various underwater landforms, their shapes, depths, and distributions, as well as the characteristics of the ocean surface itself. Understanding ocean topography is crucial for multiple scientific disciplines, including geology, oceanography, and environmental science.

<span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Key Features of Ocean Topography</span>

  1. <span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Continental Shelf</span>: This is a submerged border of a continent that extends from the shoreline to a depth of about 200 meters (656 feet). The continental shelf is characterized by relatively shallow waters and is often rich in marine life due to its nutrient availability and sunlight penetration.
  2. <span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Continental Slope</span>: Beyond the continental shelf lies the continental slope, which descends steeply into deeper waters. This area marks the transition from shallow coastal waters to deep ocean basins.
  3. <span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Abyssal Plains</span>: These are flat or gently sloping areas of the deep ocean floor that lie between 4,000 meters (13,123 feet) and 6,000 meters (19,685 feet) deep. Abyssal plains cover about 70% of the Earth’s ocean floor and are characterized by their uniformity and sediment accumulation.
  4. <span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Mid-Ocean Ridge</span>: This underwater mountain range forms where tectonic plates diverge. The mid-ocean ridge system is over 40,000 miles long and includes volcanic activity that contributes to new ocean floor formation.
  5. <span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Seamounts</span>: These are underwater mountains formed by volcanic activity that rise from the ocean floor but do not reach the water’s surface. Seamounts can create unique ecosystems due to their elevation relative to surrounding change impacts on global sea levels and ecosystems.
Shukrani mwashilindi @mwashilindijj
16 days ago
Ocean topography,,,,,,defined as refers to the physical features of the ocean floor such as oceanic Ridge

Major features of ocean topography are,,continental slope,,continental shelf,,,oceanic Ridge,,hydrothermal vents etc
16 days ago
@mkunga outlining is not the same as mentioning.
Make sure you provide a brief explanation.
16 days ago
🤝 thanks for show he it
5 days ago


Happy khamis @happykhamis
16 days ago
Gamba @muyenjwa
15 days ago