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Wolfgang Patric (@wolfang14)
23 days ago

The question requires you to explore different meaning of the term ocean as well as identify the major global oceans

@azurashi the sources you are asked are about the origin of your answers.
23 days ago
@azurashi where did you get the information you are supplying to us?
23 days ago
@ayoubjob why oceanic water are always salinity?
23 days ago
@mjeda what is the ocean?
23 days ago
23 days ago
@wolfang14 I have used chartgp program
23 days ago
Ocean is a large body of salt water which occupying large percentage of the earth
23 days ago
Ocean is a vast body of salt water
23 days ago
Ocean is a large water Mass which occupies 71% of the earth surface.almost cover a saltwater.there are most five oceans which are pasific Atlantic Indian Southern and arctic ocean
23 days ago
@0761449642 the sources being asked here are not about the origin of water in the ocean basin.
It is about the source of information.
22 days ago
1.Size and depth, the size and depth can vary significant for example pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the world which cover Large area
2.salinity and temperature,can vary depends on factor such location, depth and current for example arctic ocean have low salinity and temperature compared to other Ocean
3.marine life, each ocean support unique and diverse range of life
4.Geographical feature, The feature of an ocean such as coastaline island and under water mountain can vary greatly
5.Human impact, human activities such population,over fishing and coastal development can have significant impact on the health and sustainability of the ocean
19 days ago
    2. Stayplain Website Design Agency
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