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Selorm Attipoe Samuel-OfficerB (@blakkselorm)
21 months ago
Here Is why I don't earth PORK! Ra said to Horus, “Pray, look at that black swine. ... and Sut in the form of the black boar of darkness pierced the eye of Horus with his tusk.... Afrka spirituality is against eating of PORK and scientist also prove that PORK isn't good for Human Being especially BLACK people..... Even the enslaver religions also stand against eating of PORKs not because so called "JESUS" cast out demon into them Leviticus 11: 7 - 10 The brainwash is too much now it's time to change our mindset and think as Afrikans, eat as Afrikans, live as Afrikans, #dress as Afrikans, pray as Afrikans etc #blakkselorm #beguided #letlovelead #ankient #ankientwisdom #ankientspirituality #maat #withoutapology #afrika
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