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Felixe Amogbon (@teecherkim)
22 months ago
Dear ladies, “If you don't give your heart out, no one will break it.” When a lady cries at times after the relationship has ended, it may not be due to leaving the relationship, but rather because she had premarital sex or her money was used to fuel the relationship. If he used to call you ten times a day, but after he has gotten what he wants from you, you are the one who has to beg him with calls. Let your NO be NO! Stop trying to go beyond boundaries to keep the relationship. ©TeecherKim. #FelixeAmogbon #Let'smasterEnglish #Staymotivated
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If he tells you he can't wait for the perfect time, it means that “he wants to rush in, he will eventually break your heart.”

No let one guy dey break your heart anyhow!
Receive grace for spiritual sensitivity and alertness.

22 months ago
22 months ago
22 months ago