How It Works
Connect Device: Visit on your Computer, Tablet or Smartphone or Install Stayplain App on your Device via Google Playstore or Apple Store
Sign Up : Click on SIGN UP – Then fill all your details. Make sure your details are correct before you press submit
Yay! Done: Activate your account through your email verification. Now, connect with others and enjoy your account
Primary Support
Account Creation
Go to or install the App, Click on Sign up, Fill your details, verify your account via email
You can Create, manage your ads, boost and optimize your AD to reach more users to achieve your results.
Boost a Boost
Click on MY ADS, load wallet through your payal or Credit Cards. Sellect a post you want to boost to reach more people fast (CPC, CPM, CPV methods)
Group Creation
Click on Create Group
- Fill group address, group name, description, privacy and group joining Privacy then press submit
Account Edit
Click on your Profile - Select edit profile (Name, avatar, privacy etc. ) - Fill the required details then save it
General Forum
After clicked on the forum button, you can contribute to the question of others on the platform and at the same time, you can ask any question to get answers
Page Creation
Click on Create Page
- Fill group address, group name, description,then press submit.
Event Creation
Click on EVENT from the left side menu, Click on START NEW EVENT
- Write title, description, add date and time and submit
Target Place Post
Below the stream typing page, select which place you want them to see. Leaving location blank mean your post may show worldwide
Blog Creation
Click on blog from the left side menu, Click on NEW
- Write title, description, add image, add hastag to reach more users then Submit
Ask Question
Click on question from the left side menu, Click on AS QUESTION
- Write title, description, add image, add hastag to reach more users then Submit
Stayplain App Unique Features